How To Breakdance


Do you want to learn How To Breakdance ? Breakdance which has started to influence the youth at the beginning of the 1980s in America and then spread all over the world, is the one of the four branches of hip hop culture. The reason why it is called breakdance is because of the harmony of the dance with the basic element of hip hop music which is called breakbeat.

how to breakdance

You probably don't have many options to learn how tobreakdance. There may be some people around your local area that know how to breakdance well, but are they willing to teach you? Probably not. There may be dance schools in your area that offer hip hop classes, but what are the chances that they will teach you real hip hop and breakdance moves? Not very high.

You aren't alone, if your only option to really learn how to breakdance and pick up on real movements is to learn on-line. There are millions of people out there who would love to learn this style of dance, but who simply see no options to take advantage of. You are among the lucky ones because you have caught onto the Internet as a great way to learn.

Breakdance - The turtle

The turtle is one of the most popular breakdance moves out there. It involves the breakdancer supporting his body on his arms/elbow while spinning around in circles.

To learn this impressive breakdance move, first learn the turtle freeze. You do this by stabbing your elbow on your stomach and keeping your legs tucked in. Your body should be parallel to the ground, and your fingers should be pointing outward, opposite of each other. Keep practicing the turtle freeze until you can hold it for an average of 15-30 seconds.

Next, learn the handglide freeze. This is similar to the turtle freeze, but only one arm should be stabbed, while keeping your other arm on the floor. Be sure that your stabbed arm IS NOT on the center of your stomach, but more between your abs and your sides. Your fingers for the other hand should be pointing outwards. When you can hold the handglide freeze for an average of 15-30 seconds, you are ready for turtles.

Now you have the necessary prerequisites for this breakdancing move. The next step is to choose a direction. It doesn't matter if you choose clockwise or counter-clockwise, just find a direction you're comfortable with.


Go into turtle freeze. Keep your right arm stabbed as you move your left hand about 90 degrees so that you are now in handglide position. Shift your body onto your left arm so that you are in a position similar to the turtle freeze, but with the fingers of your right arm facing upward. Move your right arm so that you are in turtle freeze again. Repeat this process until you have at least a 360 degree rotation. Congrats! You have just mastered this breakdance move!


Go into turtle freeze. Keep your left arm stabbed as you move your right hand about 90 degrees so that you are now in handglide position. Shift your body onto your right arm so that you are in a position similar to the turtle freeze, but with the fingers of your left arm facing upward. Move your left arm so that you are in the turtle freeze again. Repeat this process until you have at least a 360 degree rotation. Congrats! You have just mastered this breakdance move!


Take a look at my following breakdance for beginners tips.

  • Warm Up - This is very important! Mobilize all your joints, place particular emphasis on your wrists and ankles as they are what takes a lot of your weight. Simply do what you did in gym class to mobilize. However don't stretch until you're properly warmed up and by that I mean that you should have been dancing for a while before you begin to stretch.
  • Get Some Mentors - Hang around in a group of other breakdancers where ever you can find them in your city! Look on the internet for classes or societies where they train together and join them. Watch them and get inspiration from them. In time some new kids will come along and they'll be watching you while you do headspins and windmills.
  • Watch Videos - The internet is a hub of breakdance videos and footage so make use of them. You'll see a lot of moves that you'll want to be able to do. The important thing is that you watch any moves you want to learn over and over in detail so that it's burned into your head. Use imagery too, go over the move in your head and this will help you pull the move off smoother and easier.
  • Master The Basics - Basically don't go for any big moves until you have the standard ones down first. Get a good six-step before you go for pretzels, get windmills before you go for halos and get the baby freeze before you go for air chairs. Another thing I'll mention is that most beginners tend to do their footwork with flat hands and flat feet. Your hands should be raised! You can do this by pointing your thumb away from your fingers! Your feet should be positioned so that you're on your toes, you can do this by bringing your feet closer in when you break! Try it!
  • Get Some Awesome Beats - Breakdancing is all about the music, so make sure you download some awesome mixes that really motivate you to dance!

The method I suggest would be an online dance course. These offer the privacy of working in your home and on your own schedule. They are also very inexpensive, costing only a small one-time fee. In exchange for the fee, you receive lifetime access to a library of video breakdancing lessons, step-by-step instructions, and a dedicated support team to help you learn to breakdance.

Learn Breakdance Online

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That's right - You can start to learn RIGHT NOW how to breakdance like an official break boy using our IDIOT PROOF SYSTEM, step by step instructions, tutorials, and video guides! 

how to breakdance

For more information, please Click Here Now.


How To Breakdance